Balance for better

Life is complete phase of chasing something. We are always looking for more in life. We run after money, happiness, and more importantly “perfection”. But have you ever asked to your self, can anyone be that perfect? I don’t think so. And I know many people knows that no one is perfect, none can be master nor perfect. We run after perfectionism but we cannot be at that level of perfection. There’s always something is missing. Thus we get sad and depressed and get tired of running for perfectionism. You know when we thrive for perfection and demand perfection from people, we act bossy , here we start loosing the rope. And people around is start avoiding us. Trust me I had a group partner in a project once and the person was only demanding perfection I remember those days i used to cry like hell because I was not perfect, I can do things better maybe more than better but not perfect.

“You can never feel satisfied by your work until you are satisfied by yourself “

I’m 25 and one thing I learned from My life is balance. Balance in everything, social life, work, relationships even food. Even the whole world is balanced. BALANCE! You can say the mid way.Nether more nor less. On the way of perfectionism we can be lost but by keeping our life balanced we can make our lives better. More than batter. Balance is key of happy and content life. I’m a woman and I’ve learned how to make balance in my daily life being a wife, a daughter, in a social circle or work. I have to maintain the balance and keep the strings in my hand at the same time.

“Better the balance,, batter the world”

Now what is balance for better? I’m glad world has changed so much and women of these days don’t have to suffer like 20 years ago. Today’s women are more likely to be balanced. But still there are barriers for women. Many woman still have to ask for permission to fulfill her dreams. It has never been easy for women to have a career and a happy healthy family at the same time. I must say women these days are true heroes. Many women out there are seeking something that their society believes it’s impossible for her or she can’t do that because she’s a woman. Women are seeking balanced life to live , breath not just exist.


I’m proud at my self that I have balance in my life. I learned this from my mother she use to work 8 hours a day and still managed to provide us clean house and healthy environment and more importantly her time. I sometimes looks back at the time and I wonder how she created such balance between her work and her family. Balance is involved in every single aspect of our life. By keeping balance I can say I have better life. Because balance always makes you lead the betterment.

I remember I had a friend who pay way too much attention to his studies. He was topper so I was. But the difference was I kept the balance. Unlike my friend who used to spent his entire time in his room studying, I went out to see the world I learned things that school can’t teach. He used to say he has no time for reading books apart from his academic course, he has no time for going out, etc etc. While I read books as many as I can I learned driving, cycling and even riding the motorbike. I went out to explore and yet we both have same academic records. Plus he just start learning to drive, pretty ironical.

Even as a psychologist I tell people who suffer from anxieties, sadness, depression, having trouble in relationships or having trouble in social activities and even they are seeking their goals in their life I tell them to keep balance in their life. And by keeping balance in life you can surely get better life, you can achieve that point of life where you are happy, satisfied and successful.

I believe balance is everything. Why not ad the balance in our lives for betterment. And start believing in ourselves. Because having dreams are worth full.